Mertz Lingo

If you can't say what you mean, you can never mean what you say.
Lewis Carroll

Mertz Lingo          TrAnslation, copy editing, and proofreading

In English

Mertz Lingo is a translation company run by Rolf Mertz, MA (English and Gender Studies) from the Universities of Aarhus and Copenhagen respectively (1999).


Mertz Lingo handles various forms of proofreading, copy editing, and translation – mostly from English into Danish and vice versa, but also from German, Norwegian, or Swedish into Danish or English.


For a sample of my written English skills, please refer to the Superkilen app for an urban park project in Nørrebro, Copenhagen.

From October 2003 through August 2006 I worked full-time at PeopleSoft Denmark – now Oracle – as a software localizer, but also Cognosco A/S (November 2001 through May 2003) has benefited from the high standards that Mertz Lingo has to offer.


Moreover, I translate and revise academic texts. Most notably, the anthology Feministiske tænkere (Feminist Thinkers) contains my translations of feminist critiques by Judith Butler, Sandra Harding, and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick.


Finally, I am an experienced proof-reader with a number of PhD dissertations and final theses under my belt.